Eine neue Nigeria-Connection

The Register berichtet über eine neue UK-Webseite, mit der sich Onlinehändler gegen den wachsenden Betrug mit gestohlenen Kreditkarten wehren. Dabei wir ein Leser zitiert, der Erfahrungen mit einer ganz neuen Nigeria-Connection gemacht hat:

A Reg reader writes to inform us that someone in Nigeria was buying goods using stolen credit cards and arranging for them to be sent to the address of a freight forwarding company, where they were subsequently forwarded to Africa. The goods are never seen again, and the e-tailer ends up losing both its goods and the money.

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Das Ruhrgebiet ...

The character of the people living in the area is a very special one, perhaps due to the high proportion of foreign workers, having come here to work during the industrial boom time, and now living here as the third generation. Today, the Ruhrgebiet is becoming an area where many 'high-tech' companies settle, and is also an increasingly popular tourist destination, thus fast eradicating the old stereotype of a grey and dirty Rhurpott.
aus dem Hitchhikers Guide to Planet Earth.

Zur Ehrenrettung meiner alten Heimat: Alles falsch, bis auf den ersten Halbsatz!

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