digitale bilder und gps

Eine der geilsten Ideen, über die ich seit langem gelesen habe: GPS-Photo-Linking.

Do you ever look back through your vacation photos and wonder where all of the photos were taken? What if there was a way to have all those images automatically show up as pins on a map or an aerial photograph? It may seem too good to be true, but it can be done. No mirrors or smoke; it's just making use of existing GPS technology.

As you are out recording pictures, your GPS receiver is busy making a digital popcorn trail of your movements. Then when you're back on the computer, a topo map or aerial photograph is pulled from a terraserver on the Internet, and your shots show up on the map as clickable links to your photographs.

So zum Beispiel. Mehr dazu auch hier. Und hier eine Liste von PhotoMaps. [via PhotographyBlog]