a 70s secret: two drummers! hat sich in zeiten all dieser 100-sample-grooves allerdings erledigt. +++ würde ich noch einmal das geld, die zeit und den kopf für eine neue band haben, dann würde ich bossa nova im stil der 60er spielen wollen. ohne drummachines. ohne samples. ohne macs. schlagzeug, bass, gitarre, piano, sax. oder lieber doch ein horn. egal. hauptsache handgemacht. und eine dicke, fette gibson müsste es sein. aber wer kann sich heute noch eine dicke, fette gibson leisten. kürzlich wurde mir erzählt, meine 25 jahre alte ibanez wäre jetzt 2000 euro wert. damals 1100 mark. mit koffer, ha ha. save it for a rainy day ... +++

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Paul Desmond (der Musiker) interviewt Charlie Parker (1920-1955) im Jahr 1954.

PD: No, I know many people are watching you at the moment with the greatest of interest to see what you're going to come up with next in the next few years, myself among the front row of them. Well, what have you got in mind?

CP: Well, seriously speaking I mean I'm going to try to go to Europe to study. I had the pleasure to meet one Edgar Varese [1883-1965] in New York City. He's a classical composer from Europe. He's a Frenchman, very nice fellow and he wants to teach me. In fact he wants to write for me because he thinks I'm more for ... more or less on a serious basis you know, and if he takes me over ... I mean after he's finished with me I might have the chance to go to the Academy of Musicalle out in Paris itself and study, you know. My prime interest still is learning to play music, you know.

PD: Would you study playing or composition?

CP: I would study both. I never want to lose my horn.

PD: No, you never should. That would be a catastrophy.

[via panchromatica]

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