real ärger

Endlich scheint Real Networks wegen seines wenig freundlichen Verhaltens in die Kritik zu kommen. Es (Real Networks RealPlayer) stinkt so sehr, dass selbst Microsoft im Vergleich dazu gut aussieht.

Schon vor einem Jahr oder so hier die Klage geführt.

In der Tat finde ich es kaum noch nachvollziehbar, dass Dienste wie oder SpOn ihre Video-News via Real streamen. Dann echt lieber den Gates-Scheiß.

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mehr davon

mehr davon Wie wunderbar ruhig die Stadt ist, sobald ein wenig Schnee liegt.

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"Insgesamt stellt die Brücke Wohnraum und Arbeitsplätze für 8 Millionen Menschen zur Verfügung." Transatlantic Bridge

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Die Professionalisierung der Blogosphäre beginnt langsam. Die hier suchen gerade deutsche Autoren für ihre Weblogs.

Imho machen die einen entscheidenden Fehler: Weblogs dieser Art leben von ihrer Credibility, und die entsteht ganz wesentlich durch die persönliche Zurechenbarkeit (und sei es auch nur ein Pseudonym). Anonymität ist da kontraproduktiv. Weblogs sind Autoren-zentrierte Medien.

ähm, korrektur Es gibt natürlich einen Autoren da bei dem Gesundheitsblog. Nicht gesehen. Trotzdem heißt es nicht "der" Gesundheits-Weblog.

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building a community of ideas

The Creative 100 are dedicated to helping communities realize the full potential of creative ideas by encouraging these principles:

  1. Cultivate and reward creativity. Everyone is part of the value chain of creativity. Creativity can happen at anytime, anywhere, and it’s happening in your community right now. Pay attention.

  2. Invest in the creative ecosystem. The creative ecosystem can include arts and culture, nightlife, the music scene, restaurants, artists and designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, affordable spaces, lively neighborhoods, spirituality, education, density, public spaces and third places.

  3. Embrace diversity. It gives birth to creativity, innovation and positive economic impact. People of different backgrounds and experiences contribute a diversity of ideas, expressions, talents and perspectives that enrich communities. This is how ideas fl ourish and build vital communities.

  4. Nurture the creatives. Support the connectors. Collaborate to compete in a new way and get everyone in the game.

  5. Value risk-taking. Convert a “no” climate into a “yes” climate. Invest in opportunity-making, not just problem-solving. Tap into the creative talent, technology and energy for your community. Challenge conventional wisdom.

  6. Be authentic. Identify the value you add and focus on those assets where you can be unique. Dare to be different, not simply the look-alike of another community. Resist monoculture and homogeneity. Every community can be the right community.

  7. Invest in and build on quality of place. While inherited features such as climate, natural resources and population are important, other critical features such as arts and culture, open and green spaces, vibrant downtowns, and centers of learning can be built and strengthened. This will make communities more competitive than ever because it will create more opportunities than ever for ideas to have an impact.

  8. Remove barriers to creativity, such as mediocrity, intolerance, disconnectedness, sprawl, poverty, bad schools, exclusivity, and social and environmental degradation.

  9. Take responsibility for change in your community. Improvise. Make things happen. Development is a “do it yourself” enterprise.

  10. Ensure that every person, especially children, has the right to creativity. The highest quality lifelong education is critical to developing and retaining creative individuals as a resource for communities.

The Memphis Manifesto

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